Tech Q&A Aboout Adding information to iPhone photos
Question: I’ll be taking a trip to Italy this year and taking lots of photos with my iPhone. What’s the best way to add information to an iPhone photo? For example, I’d like to list who or what is in the picture. (I can easily do that on my Mac, but I won’t have it with me on the trip.) — T.M., Charlotte, N.C. Answer: The easiest way to caption photos is to use the “markup” function in the iPhone’s photo editing tools. The only disadvantage to using this method is that “markup” overlays the caption on the photo, obscuring part of the picture. To try the iPhone’s “markup” feature, call up a photo, click “edit” at the upper right corner, then click the three dots that appear at the upper right corner. In the next menu, click “markup.” In the following menu, select text size and color, then click the plus sign to the right. In the resulting pop-up menu, select “text” to create a text box on top of the photo (you can move or resize the text box to avoid covering up someth