The Best Postcard Maker for Direct Mail Marketing
It’s always a joy when sorting through your routine pile of bills that you find a surprise piece of mail that you didn’t expect. In fact, 56% of Americans consider it a real joy to receive mail, with 95% of Millennials saying that they enjoy physical mail. Postcards can be particularly exciting, since you don’t have to rip open any envelopes, they’re image-based, made to be eye-catching, and often contain discounts or otherwise valuable information for the consumer. And even with the influx of digital media over the years, businesses are finding that adding direct mail like postcards to their marketing mix has been a proven way to increase business than when simply using digital alternatives. Whoever thought snail mail would be the way of the future? If you’re looking to add postcards to your marketing mix, the vast library of Postcard templates in BeFunky’s Graphic Designer is the perfect solution! No matter what kind of business or type of promot...